Friday, May 29, 2015

Check Your Six Sunday

Last Sunday I got a chance to play in a game of Check Your Six: Jet Age that Christian had set up. The scenario was Vietnam with 4 F-4B Phantoms vs. 4 MiG-19. I was playing one of the MiGs as was Christian. The other two MiGs were controlled by a kid called Carson. The F-4s were controlled by Chris, Mike, David, and one other. Here are the pictures I took of the game
The enemy pilots, Chris on the right and Mike on the left, prior to game start.
The two MiGs controlled by me and Christian starting side by side.

The F-4Bs flown by Mike and David, they're so close together that they look like one aircraft.

Christians MiG comes in close to the pair of Phantoms. 

Our four planes over shoot each other. Mike and David turn like a married couple holding hands. Me and Christian on the other hand turn into each other.

Meanwhile, the other two F-4s were firing missiles at Carson's MiGs. Several of the missiles and the one that did hit did no real damage.

The F-4s then fire on my MiG one missile misses while the other hits. But once again the MiG-19 proves too tough for the American missile.Note the planes were moving so fast it looks like the missile that hit was fired by another MiG.

Then David made a real error. Both him and Mike assumed that their F-4s were carrying cannons when in fact all they had was missiles. It was this assumption that put David in the very bad position; with my MiG-19 in front of him and Carson MiG-19 behind, both at point blank range.

David's plane explodes being hit by both our cannons.

In the end only Mikes plane is still on the board. The other two phantoms flee for the edge having shot all of their missiles. 
 Unfortunately I wasn't able to stay for the second game as I had to get sleep for work. As for my gaming news. I'm probably painting my first new modern unit this weekend. I've also received most of my new ships and aircraft for the next few Shipwreck games. My Last Square order came in only FOUR DAYS after I order it, unbelievable!. Now I'm just waiting for Shapeways to arrive.

Friday, May 8, 2015

May Update

I've haven't posted for a while as I have no new pictures to show. Here's what I currently got going on. I've ordered some new ships for a few games of Shipwreck, they should be arriving soon. I'll also be ordering some new aircraft. I'm going to start rebasing my modern micro-armor, for a future game. I'm also going to eventually start working on another Megablitz game. As for this month, I plan to play CY6 at the Memorial Day game bash at Morningstar on 24th. Anyway that's what I got planned, til next time.